Artist : Amygal Junmi

Hi there, I’m Amygal.
Thank you for visiting the TreeHouse website, hope you all had enjoyed it.
I’m not a professional artist, I’m just a girl who likes drawing, writing fiction, handcrafting & enjoy to learning new things.

>> Tree House Story & Gallery
I have written a short story about Tree House.
There got the Chinese version & English version (My English not good enough, sorry if they’re a lot of mistakes).
I got two friends, Rinoa & Milliliya to joined the Tree House in the beginning.
Once again, thanks to them. They have inspired me a lot.

>> Fictions
All Chinese version short story, novel, character design, fiction logo, illustrations, etc.

>> Art Gallery
Draw & painting, fanart, doodles, marker pen, poem, etc.

>> Hand Crafts
Felt doll, needle felt wool, fluffy doll, DIY craft, paper cutting, sculpture art, lightbox, etc.

>> Designs
Old school projects, logo design, card design, etc.

>> The Abyss Girl
A story from real life.

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